Health Center in Ortigueira (Spain)


Consejería de Sanidad y Servicios Sociales. Servicio Gallego de Salud. Xunta de Galicia.


Ortigueira. A Coruña, Spain.


Project: July 2001  |  Completion: 2004.


Antonio Raya, Cristóbal Crespo and Carlos Qvintáns.

Construction managers

Antonio Raya and Cristóbal Crespo.


Architects: Santiago Sánchez Iglesias, Enrique Antelo Tudela.

Quantity Surveyor: Saúl González Casas.


Ferrovial-Agromán S.A.


2.319,89 m2.






AVANCE DE UNA CONTINGENCIA. ARQUITECTURA CONTEMPORÁNEA EN GALICIA. Ed. Xunta de Galicia, Consejería de Cultura y Deporte, Centro Gallego de Arte Contemporánea, 2007. ISBN 978-84-453-4519-1. Pg. 327.

CENTRO DE SALUD DE ORTIGUEIRA. Ed. Litonor Artes gráficas. 2004.





Within the environment that surrounds it, the planned building becomes a singular element, more into the free-space system and public uses, present in the area. The fragmentation into different volumes, separated among them with patios and progressing very differently towards the street enriches the volumetric construction, which becomes more accentuated with the procedure of adding one floor to two of the volumes and providing another one (the entrance one) with a greater height and a distinct material.

The building achieves its lighting and the relation between the two floors thanks to the courtyards, making the best use of the conditions of the plot according to location, topography and views, and with the necessary privacy demanded by the rooms destined to consultation.

The materials on facade (glass and slate) become the leading characters of this project. The main goal is to emphasize the volumetric and formal concision of the building, also, in the use of materials, using this fact as the nature and the identifying mark of the building, with the necessary abstraction and quality asked of the representation of a public administration.

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